Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is the organization that helps the pastor(s) keep the altar area presentable and in season. It is responsible for setting up the communion service, the maintenance of candles, and the placement of paraments and flowers. Members of the Altar Guild commonly refer to themselves as the “church mice.” Their service is invaluable to the worship life of Trinity.
In addition to year-round service to the church, the Altar Guild is especially busy at Christmas. It coordinates the efforts to decorate the worship area for the Christmas season. The highlight of this activity is the Chrismon Tree that adorns the sanctuary occasionally adding Chrismons to the tree. If you are interested in knowing more about the Chrismons contact the church office.

Lutheran Layman's
The Lutheran Layman’s League is involved in the Lutheran Hour Ministries and meets in the afternoon once a month. There is an annual bowling tournament in February which is sponsored to help support the Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Lutheran Women's
A National organization for Lutheran Women (includes associates) that provides fellowship, education, and the opportunity for service to women of the congregation. Mites for Mission is one focus which supports state, national, and world-wide projects.

Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study
Men meet on the first Saturday of the month in most months for breakfast and Bible Study. Men’s activities are coordinated and “work around the church” often follows.
Please contact the church office for more information.

A social group for friendly people who are 55 years or older, Mountain Toppers meet once a month at various locations to eat good food, play games, learn something new, and enjoy one another’s company.

Ladies Day Guild
The Ladies Day Guild is active in benevolent activities and meets in the afternoon once a month.
Objectives of the Ladies Guild
To assist Trinity Lutheran Church in charitable and missionary endeavors.
To promote the welfare of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and especially that of our congregation.
To create fellowship among the members of the Trinity Lutheran Church.
Meetings are held at Trinity Lutheran Church, the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm except for July, August, and January.